Site Changelog
Mostly tracking for my own records.
- January
- 27 - minor 7.1 update for the dungeon being added to the XIV world map
- August
- 9 - Added specific Dawntrail pins and locations for XIV world map
- 9 - PLD Resources have been "updated" for Dawntrail (mostly just the gear now).
- 9 - PLD Resource Archive now houses the 6.3+ Endwalker Resources (post-rework) material
- January
- 6 - Expanded the Tural Continent and Southern Continent (Meracydia) + added more announced 7.0 locations to XIV world map from JP FanFest.
- October
- 21 - Added more announced 7.0 locations to XIV world map from EU FanFest.
- August
- 3 - Added 6.45 and announced 7.0 locations to XIV world map from NA FanFest. Thanks to /u/PadLocker104 for the initial keynote map.
- July
- 4 - Added new TEA (Epic of Alexander) Ultimate BiS for Patch 6.4 gear to PLD in Ultimates
- May
- 23 - Updated with tentative 6.4 Anabaseios prog and BiS sheets PLD BiS Gear page
- April
- 7 - Added The Omega Protocol (TOP) Ultimate optimization to the PLD in Ultimates page. Apologies for the delay
- September
- 28 - Restored Endwalker locations to XIV Worldmap and added Mare Lamentorum and Ultima Thule locations near Ilsabard, and Elpis near The First per in-game map, Island Sanctuary, Aglaia, Pandaemonium, and The 13th (by Alzadaal). Thanks Lop!
- August
- 26 - Updated PLD BiS Gear for EW's 2nd Tier - Pandaemonium Abyssos (Savage). Includes crafted/tome progression gear sets.
- July
- 26 - Updated PLD in Ultimates for improved optimization in Dragonsong's Reprise/Thordan Ultimate.
- May
- 14 - Updated PLD in Ultimates to include Dragonsong's Reprise optimization. Sorry for the delay!
- December
- October
- September
- 22 - Updated PLD TEA p1 spreadsheet to remove delayed opener.
- August
- 20 - Secondary 2.40 PLD BiS added for TEA with i535 weapon
- 19 - Wording/clarification on BiS sets for PLD Lv70 Ultimates
- 18 - Minor fixes and housekeeping on PLD guide
- 10 - Added/hosting full PLD guide resource from The Balance
- 10 - Consolidated layout across all projects. Please forgive any bugs that may pop up.
- July
- April
- 2: minor housekeeping
- 1: v2.0 horizontal view
- March
- 30: who even uses light mode
- 29: improved filtering and tags
- 27: old links cleaned up, reorganizing filters, adding in new links
- 26: site init
- Oct: Original sheet deprecated
- Aug 11: Major update for Masterlist
- Feb 13: [Gear tracker] Spreadsheet made public
- Mar 2: Major update for Masterlist