The content below was written for previous expansions and is likely outdated for the current expansion content. The content below are saved purely for archiving purposes.

You can view current content information at the main PLD Resources page.

6.0-6.2 Endwalker Resources (Pre-rework)

PLD in Ultimates

BiS Gearset/s have been updated for Endwalker but optimization write-ups have not yet been adjusted for any potential combat changes and adjustments.

Lv90: Dragonsong's Reprise (DSR)

BiS Gearset/s

See Current Savage Tier BiS.

Door Boss

-11 prepull FoF with HS pull

Opener: HS -> Goring -> Goring -> Req (Valor on Grinnaux)

Disengages for Hyperdimensional Slashes are between GCDs at 2.44 if pulling on time (HS at -1.75).

To help with pulling your boss mid, Sprint and use oGCDs on the other boss while running.

P1 - Thordan (Original Timeline)

No Confiteor in the opener allows us to reopen after Strength of the Ward with Blade of Faith at range, gaining us a GCD and a Valor combo (by letting Requiescat time out later, we are able to have Blade of Faith Ready last until later).

P2 & P3 - Nidhogg (Human Form) and Eyes

Nidhogg reopener relies on carrying combo and stacks of Requiescat from the end of Thordan.

P4 & P5 - Ser Charibert (Rewind) and Thordan (Alternate Timeline)

The pictured rotation carries over a Royal Authority combo from the end of Eyes.

Expiacion should be used as shown to gain a use before Death of the Heavens.

Your Thordan rotation may not match exactly due to killing the spear faster or slower, drop Atonements after Wrath accordingly to end on Valor.

Requiescat should be used as shown in the intermission and then on cooldown in order to have it available for Wroth Flames in phase 6.

P6 - Nidhogg and Hraesvelgr

You will have to make adjustments for the downtime pattern in Hallowed Plume 1 ().

During the downtime pattern in Wroth Flames, the boss is out of range for Holy Spirit if you are in the very corner. Duck into the corner between GCDs to catch the stack and bait the puddle correctly.

P7 - Dragon-King Thordan

Prepull Fight or Flight as soon as the glass break effect after the transition raidwide, then follow the -4s prepull opener and a standard loop until the end, dropping the last goring blade combo in the final FoF window.

Lv80: The Epic of Alexander (TEA)

BiS Gearset/s

Tentative set for The Epic of Alexander in patch 6.08 using i535 relic (remove a total of 6 critical hit if using i515 relic instead). These relic weapons are the most important items for Ultimate BiS, but are not required to simply clear the content.

2.40 GCD — Pumpkin Potage (6.08) - Etro mirror

Note that many other viable gear combinations exist, depending on personal gear availability and preferred GCD speed. The Tank Gear Calculator may be used to make your own gearing decisions based on your own needs.

The content below was written for previous expansions and has not yet been updated. You may still use it as a reference/guide but be aware that current expansion changes may have affected how Paladin needs to play in older content.

P1 - Living Liquid & Liquid Hand

Phase 1 spreadsheet here

Typical pushes around 2nd Proteans require dropping at least 1 Holy Circle to ensure MP is available for pre-pull FoF opener in phase 2.

P2 - Brute Justice & Cruise Chaser

Party-specific. Pre-pull FoF (6th Hawk Blaster) is usually optimal for this phase. Try to maximize AoE with Requiescat, and only use Goring Blade on both targets if it will not waste Atonements.

Paladin should tank Brute Justice (if split) due to having fewer personal cooldowns for Mines, and typically needing to apply Goring Blade during Plasma Shield.

P3 - Alexander Prime

Phase 3 spreadsheet here

Try to maximize AoE with Requiescat on adds, unless delaying it will cost a usage before the end of the phase.

P4 - Perfect Alexander

Phase 4 spreadsheet here

Adjustments can be made after FCB for kill times faster than 3rd Temporal Prison, as only 2 Requiescat usages will be possible.

Add 1 Holy Spirit to 2nd Requiescat before FCA if using 9 GCDs before Stillness 1st.

Lv70: The Weapon's Refrain (UWU)

BiS Gearset/s

Compatibility set for both The Unending Coil of Bahamut and The Weapon's Refrain in patch 6.08 using i535 relic (remove a total of 6 determination if using i515 relic instead). These relic weapons are the most important items for Ultimate BiS, but are not required to simply clear the content.

2.40 GCD — Pumpkin Ratatouille (6.08) - Etro mirror


The content below was written for previous expansions and has not yet been updated. You may still use it as a reference/guide but be aware that current expansion changes may have affected how Paladin needs to play in older content.

Rotation write-ups below by Bongo Cat.

UWU for Paladin is really killtime dependent but generally:

Garuda - Start with Req opener and then delay 2nd FoF in Garuda for plumes. If you're not padding, you can choose whether or not to delay the 2nd FoF but usages are the same overall.

Ifrit - Start with Req opener. Use FoF and hold Ifrit during nails. Use last Req at the end of the phase.

Titan - This opener is dependent on whether you skip Ifrit dashes or not. Usually I just do a -3s prepull FoF.


  • Pop FoF when he grows wings after eating Garuda and your opener is Goring > RA > Req.
  • Delay the opening SW until after your first HS (MP issues later if you don't).
  • FoF after Predation, then just do standard rotation.
  • Req reopener after Suppression.

Lv70: The Unending Coil of Bahamut (UCOB)

BiS Gearset/s

Compatibility set for both The Unending Coil of Bahamut and The Weapon's Refrain in patch 6.08 using i535 relic (remove a total of 6 determination if using i515 relic instead). These relic weapons are the most important items for Ultimate BiS, but are not required to simply clear the content.

2.40 GCD — Pumpkin Ratatouille (6.08) - Etro mirror

The content below was written for previous expansions and has not yet been updated. You may still use it as a reference/guide but be aware that current expansion changes may have affected how Paladin needs to play in older content.

P1 & P2 - Twin & Nael

Rotation write-ups below by Bongo Cat.

FoF opener on Twin, use the last FoF immediately on cooldown to get a few more buffed GCDs.

It is definitely phase dependent but majority of groups I've done in ShB have always pushed at the same spot. If you see the last Hatch cast she will lock into it.

Req opener on Nael into 10 GCD FoF is what typically happens if you kill Twin at the aforementioned time, but it's also typically a forced 10 GCD FoF due to Chariot first anyway. First GCD CoS and use on cooldown.

If you do not skip divebombs (squad is not a bunch of gamers) then use the Req immediately after she gets back and just HS (check to see if you can refresh Goring based on killtime. On farm you probably won't if you clean up Nael more).

P3 - Bahamut

Bahamut opener is a -3s FoF opener and end the first opening phase on Fast. Riot Blade combo carries over to when the boss is targetable again.

After Quickmarch, do Riot > Req > Goring into 4 HS Req. You'll get an extra RA off which is a 25p gain and the Req 1 GCD earlier helps align it better after Blackfire.

Check MP before uptime on this next one.

During Blackfire trio, pop FoF when Bahamut dives before Megaflares go out and do first GCD HS (unbuffed) into Goring > Goring > Req 5 HS > RA.

After Fellruin Trio, press FoF immediately on cooldown and do Goring > Goring > RA > (Req will come up sometime here - and press it immediately on cooldown) and finish your RA combo. Due to weird phase timing you may not get a 3rd HS off. If that's the case, do 2 HS into Fast blade. Ideally you get 3 HS off but it's better to do a Fast Blade than ghost a HS.

After Heavensfall towers, your FoF will come back up slightly before the boss is targetable. Use it on cooldown. Goring > Goring > RA > 5 HS (4+Fast if 5th HS will ghost).

After Tenstrike: Goring > Goring > RA > RA > Req + 3HS.

P4 & P5 - Adds & Golden

Adds is either single target or FoF Goring (Twin) > Goring (Nael) > Goring (Twin)> Goring (Nael) > Req > Goring (Twin) > Goring (Nael) > RA > FoF Goring (Twin) > Goring (Nael) until you win.

Golden Bahamut is just FoF opener and crit while gamer dodging exaflares middle.